Covid 19 PCR and Lateral Flow testing in UK

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Covid 19 PCR and Lateral Flow testing in UK

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PCR and Lateral Flow tests are used by the government and healthcare providers to detect the presence of certain bacteria or viruses. PCR testing is more accurate than lateral flow, but can take longer to complete because it involves a laboratory. Lateral flow tests are faster, cheaper, and easier to use than PCR tests. We offer both types of test so that you can choose which one is best for your needs

What is PCR testing?

PCR testing is a molecular test that amplifies, or copies, your sample. This process increases the number of DNA fragments so they can be analyzed. It is used to detect the presence of a virus, bacteria, or parasite by detecting their genetic material (DNA).

If you have been diagnosed with an infection caused by one of these organisms, PCR testing may be performed to find out what type of organism is causing your illness. The results may also help determine whether treatment will work for you and how long it should be continued

. The process of PCR testing is often used to confirm a diagnosis. It can also be used to determine whether or not an infection is present in your body and which organism may have caused it.

What is lateral flow testing?

Lateral flow testing (LFT) is a rapid and simple way to test for the presence of a target analyte. LFT involves applying a sample to the strip, waiting for results, and then interpreting them. The strip contains reagents that are immobilized on its surface, which react with the target analytes in your sample. Depending on how you interpret your results, there are many different types of LFT tests available.

The advantages of using this test include:

  • It can be performed in minutes
  • Results can be read by any health care provider or patient without specialized training
  • Results are easy to interpret

Which test does the government use?

You may be wondering which test the government uses and why someone would choose a different test than the one used by the government. The answer: it all depends on what your needs are. Your doctor will tell you which test to use, but in general you have a choice between PCR testing and lateral flow tests.

I am going to go into more detail about each of these types of tests below so that you can decide which one fits best with your health goals and lifestyle choices.

What is the difference between PCR and Lateral Flow tests?

Lateral flow tests are also more sensitive than PCR, which means they can detect pathogens at lower concentrations. This makes them suitable for detecting pathogens in samples with low levels of contamination, such as water or food samples.

However, LFTs are less specific than PCR tests and therefore do not identify the exact organism causing the illness. This is why a positive result from an LFT must be confirmed using another type of test such as ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

Another major difference between these two methods is that some lateral flow devices can detect multiple types of pathogens at once, whereas PCR requires separate reactions for each pathogen being tested for.

How accurate are PCR and Lateral Flow tests compared to each other?

PCR tests are more expensive and difficult to use than Lateral Flow tests. If a company is looking for higher-end accuracy, then PCR testing is the way to go. But if you’re looking for something that’s easy to use and can be done in the field, then Lateral Flow appears to be the way forward.

Lateral flow devices have an accuracy rate of around 99% when compared with traditional laboratory techniques like PCR or ELISA. They also cost less money than these methods—around $20 per test vs $50 per test (or more). They’re also easier for users who aren’t trained scientists: all you need is a microscope or magnifying glass!

What tests do Tophotelsupply offer?

Tophotelsupply offer three different types of tests:

  • PCR – Polymerase chain reaction testing, which detects the presence of bacteria or viruses and is mostly used for detecting diseases in humans, animals and plants.
  • Lateral Flow – a rapid test that is often used for pregnancy testing or blood glucose monitoring. It involves a strip with several lines on it that change colour when put into contact with something reactive, like a urine sample.
  • Food Testing – this type of testing is used to detect harmful substances in foods such as pesticide residues or allergens like gluten and nuts in order to prevent people from getting sick after eating contaminated food items

We offer lateral flow tests and PCR tests.

Tophotelsupply is the best place to purchase your lateral flow tests, PCR tests, and Covid 19 PCR tests. It’s simple: we offer competitive pricing on all of our products, so you can’t go wrong. We also guarantee that all of our products are high quality, so you know that when you buy from us you’re getting exactly what you need. And if there’s a problem with your order—say it was damaged in transit or lost in the mail—we’ll send another one out right away!


We hope that this blog post has helped you to understand the difference between PCR tests and Lateral Flow tests. We offer both of these tests at our Tophotelsupply laboratory and can help you find the right test for your needs.

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Covid 19
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